
Impact //

Serve with

Love Madison

Sunday, May 19 | No Services at Any Site

Every spring, we choose one day to go into the Dane County community to serve all together as one church community. We call this Love Madison. We want to connect with our neighbors and actively show the love of Jesus through our actions. Whatever city you are in, you can join us in loving our communities together.
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Register by

Register by May 12

Be the hands and feet of Jesus in your community through serving a local organization. Sign up with your family, community group, or come meet some new faces. Not in Madison? You can still love your community by serving where you are.

In-Person Projects

    • Indoor and outdoor options
    • Gardening, deep cleaning, administrative and more
    • Find family-friendly projects by searching the keyword “family friendly”

Serve Where You Are

Love Madison //

Frequently Asked Questions

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Why are we doing this?
Serving and loving our neighbors are valuable in our personal and spiritual growth. Love Madison is a practical way to do this. We want to connect with our neighbors and actively show people the love of Jesus through our actions! Throughout the year, people who attend Blackhawk Church are serving all over our community. But on this day, we want to serve on a grander scale by engaging the entire Blackhawk community in projects all over Dane County.
What kind of projects are available?
All sorts! We have in-person outdoor and indoor projects with community organizations with tasks such as gardening or landscape clean-up, deep cleaning, sorting, administrative and much more. We also have projects that can be done in whatever city you are in (check out our Serve Where You section). There’s something for everyone.
Why are some of the projects at for-profit businesses?
While we do work directly with many nonprofit organizations during Love Madison, we also build relational bridges and work with some for-profit companies and the city and Mayors office at times. We believe that good works, builds good will which leads to the good news. As we work alongside these organizations and companies, for the flourishing of our community we gain respect and openness to the gospel.
What about kids? Can I bring them along?
Each project lists the ages of those who are able to serve at any given site. The minimum age of each project is set by the organization so we do honor their preferences. There is no childcare available at Blackhawk.
My family/friends/group wants to serve together - can we sign up as one big group or do we need to enter each person individually?

We need information about each person who participates. Please register each person individually. Be sure to also check the number of spots available. Each project varies on the number of volunteers they can accommodate, and we are not able to add more spots than the requested amount.

For groups, one person can register everyone as long as they have everyone’s full name and email. Please only register those who have confirmed they can serve. Unconfirmed spots held for those who eventually can’t serve, leave gaps on our teams and prevent others that are available and willing from serving.

Is this only for those who call Blackhawk Church home or can I invite my friends to come?
Anyone is welcome! We encourage you to invite neighbors, friends, and co-workers to join you. Please make sure they register. Everyone who participates in a Love Madison project must register.
What if there is bad weather on Love Madison?
If the weather is extremely unfriendly, (tornado, flash floods, or the like) expect to hear from your project captain or go for instructions. There is no rain date for Love Madison, so pray for good weather!
For more information, please contact [email protected] or 608.828.4200.